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How To Get Rid of Mealybugs From Houseplants

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There’s nothing more awful than going about your business, looking after your indoor jungle, just as a good plant parent should, only to find your plants infested with bugs. Don’t worry yourself, you’re still doing great like a plant parent. In most of the cases, bugs are fine and perfectly natural, unless they’re Mealybugs !

What are Mealybugs ?

Mealybugs are a type of tiny little bugs that love to nest in your houseplants. Take a closer look at your plants, if you notice white powdery areas around, you’ve got new guests ! Mealybugs love to grow their colonies specifically on the protected areas of a plant, such as underneath leaves, branch joints, tips of the leaves. 

Are Mealybugs Harmful ?

Mealybugs are harmless to humans. But sadly, they are fatal for plants. They prey on the nutrients and vitamins from the plant and spread like wildfires.

If left untreated mealybug infestation leads to death of your plant – a loss that’s too hard to cope with !

What Should I Do to get Rid of these bugs ?

The question on everyone’s lips! The good part is, mealybugs are easy to treat. Take a look how:

  • First things first, wipe off all the white powder colonies from everywhere of your plant. Toss and turn every single leaf thoroughly, so that you don’t miss any !
  • Make a DIY soap solution by mixing 2 full spoons of liquid soap with 4 cups of water and spray it all over your plant.
  • Repeat the process for a couple of weeks and your plant baby would have fully recovered by the end. 

Sending green luck your way!

Got more tips and tricks that have worked for your plants? Let us know in the comments section below.

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